APT (software) - Wikipedia

We already saw how to create Debian packages, now we’ll see how to remove them.Removing packages in Debian or Ubuntu Linux from the console is very easy, your user must be in the sudoers or you’ll need root access.. Identify the package to delete: dpkg –list dpkg –-list will show you a list of packages, in this case the distribution used for the image is Kali Linux. Get the book - The Debian Administrator's Handbook That said maintaining it for each new Debian release takes time and lots of effort, and we appreciate being thanked for this. If you find this book valuable, please consider contributing to its continued maintenance either by buying a paperback copy or by making a donation via the form below (after having completed your donation, you will be How to Upgrade Debian 8 Jessie to Debian Linux 9 Stretch

Debian Manpages. This is the complete repository of all manpages contained in Debian. There are a couple of different ways to use this repository:

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APT (software) - Wikipedia The first Debian version that included it was Debian 2.1, released on 9 March 1999. In the end the original goal of the Deity project of replacing the dselect user interface (UI) was a failure. Work on the UI portion of the project was abandoned (the UI directories were removed from the CVS system) after the first public release of apt-get.