2013-2-28 · 今天在一个国外站点上看到这么一篇文章。作者介绍说,当你删除Cisco Catalyst交换机的startup-config配置文件之后,再reload交换机,你会发现交换机上的vlan信息仍然存在,并没有被删除。 我用Packet Tracer 5.0亲自做了下实验假设有三个用户自建

Oct 24, 2012 · bmrui.exe: This command will open the System Image Recovery screen to restore Windows from an image. Notepad.exe: Opens up the Windows Notepad so you can view and edit text files. This command can be abbreviated copy run start. The copy command can also be used to copy the running or startup configuration from the router to a TFTP server in case something happens to the router. If so, boot if 4.x and see if the startup-config is copied to running-config. do a 'archive starup-config startup-config'. Then reboot again in 6.x. Check running config. If that does not work, reboot again in 4.x and try to install a 5.0 version and see if you have the problem. Thanks, Gilles. How do you tell Windows to run a command on each system startup? I have a large number of servers on which I will need to run a command on system startup that makes a non-persistent configuration change. I can run the command either: as an executable with multiple parameters; as a batch file that calls above executable with appropriate parameters

May 16, 2013 · Go into your home folder. Drag and drop a program from the Start menu in the Windows startup folder to run automatically every time Windows is started . To prevent a program from running at startup, the first place to look is in the startup folder. In your home folder, right click on the program you want to disable and select “Delete.”

2020-7-1 · 1.) Find and Open the Startup Folder! The best way to open the Startup folder in Windows 10 is with the address shell:startup, you can enter this path in address bar of MS Explorer. Or use the Run-Dialog Box [Windows-logo] + [R] in Windows-10 and enter the command shell:startup ( see Image-1 Arrow-1) The second startup folder in Windows 10 shell:common startup is responsible for all users 关于show running-config的问题------------------ …

2017-10-14 · idea启动tomcat的时候出现这种问题,是什么情况呢? "E:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\bin\catalina.bat" run [2017-10-13 08:03:18,999] Artifact SesameTechWeb:war exploded: Waiting for server connection to start artifact

Heloo Wes, this what happen with me before, what i ahave done is when you open new project every time you need to insert the project name and location and check the tow check box 1.save nvrams and other disk,2.export router configuration files, then while you config write command for saving the startup-config and press save bottom that what i did and its work with me hope this will help you.. NEXUS NX-OS: Useful Commands, CLI Scripting, Hints & Tips 2020-7-24 · cli alias name wr copy running-config startup-config N5k-UP# Nexus NX-OS Tip No.1 – Comparing Differences in Running & Startup Configuration . You can compare the output from a show command with the output from the previous snapshot of the same command. flutter报错:Waiting for another flutter … 2019-8-31 · Flutter提示 Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock…的解决办法在使用AS的时候,会遇到提示 Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock…然后就一直卡着不动了。解决办法;1.先关闭Android Studio,打开任务管理器